Business Lists for Sale® compiles the only 95% Accurate & Triple-Verified Business Lists for Sale

business lists for sale

Over 50 Million Businesses, Professionals & Executives® understands that the quality of a prospect business list is important to you. We have 95% accurate and triple verified business lists for sale, so you can feel confident in the quality of our leads.

Do you need to reach businesses, business professionals or licensed professionals?® has over 15 million businesses, 43 million executives, and over 6 million licensed professionals in our database, so you can find the prospects and business lists that matter most to you.

Targeted Business Lists for Sale

We can help you find businesses and decision makers so you can close the deal. Our team of list experts works with you to target your business list. Our comprehensive database enables businesses and sales people to reach a much more targeted audience. Selections includes Type of Business (SIC), Geographical Location, Employee Size, Sales Volume and many more.

Professional business lists include: Owners, Partners, CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, CPAs, Attorneys, Consultants, Real Estate Agents and many more titles. We also provide a wide variety of Healthcare Professional Lists including Doctors by Specialty, Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Surgeons, Hospital and Clinical Personnel lists.

Save Money with Quality Data

Don’t waste money on inaccurate lists. We triple verify our database. This helps to ensure that there is never a wasted dime in trying to sort through bad data. And with 95% list accuracy, we feel confident in saying that we have one of the best business lists in the industry.

Great Data — Great ROI

Improve your ROI with prospecting to the right business lists and leads. With targeted data, finding the right prospects is a surefire way to make a return on your marketing investment.

Complete the form or call us at 877-831-0101 for more information on our Business Lists for Sale!

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*Limit one per customer and file of 500 names

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