Consumer Information New in 2022

    new consumer information 2022

    We added many NEW features to our Consumer Information over the past few years and look forward to sharing them with you in 2022!


      • Added 10 million Cell Phones for a total of 88 million
      • Added 25 million Email Addresses for a total of 103 million
      • Added 46 million additional data points added to over 220 hobby and interests include Home Improvement, Outdoor Enthusiast, Mail Order Buyers, & Environmental Donors
      • Added 10 million birth dates for a total of 205 million people selectable by their exact age. This is perfect for “Turning 65” and other age specific offers.
      • Better geo-location accuracy – 220 million consumers now at rooftop level latitude & longitude
      • More Deliverable Mail Addresses – Over 140 million deliverable addresses
      • Better Duplicate Detection – Removed over 2 million hard to identify duplicates
      • More comprehensive own/rent data – 15 million additional homeowners were identified and flagged
      • More comprehensive mortgage information – Mortgage data fields now included on 44 million records, and we updated over 194 million Home Assessed values.

      PLUS — New  Homeowners / New Movers

      • Over 70,000 new homeowners added every week
      • Weekly volumes will increase in 2022
      • Over 1.5 million new movers added every month

      Complete the form or call us at 877-831-0101 for more information on our consumer information new in 2022.

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