HVAC Leads from DatabaseUSA
DatabaseUSA.com® compiles the only 95% Accurate & Triple Verified Business Database available.
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HVAC Leads | DatabaseUSA.com®
We understand that your company thrives off of sales leads. DatabaseUSA.com® compiles one of the most accurate mailing lists, calling lists, and spam free email lists for the HVAC industry.
With DatabaseUSA.com® you can target homes built 15 plus years ago and people living in their homes for over 15 years. Our database also allows you to search for confirmed homeowners and by location such as city, state, zip code and a radius. You are also able to search for job titles like real estate managers, condo owners, and home renters, as well as home builders, general contractors and building construction managers.
Our database offers one of the most comprehensive data on each and every business and is the only Triple Verified Business Database in the market today. With a 95% accurate business database, we strive to give you the best data in the country.
Information for Heating-Ventilating-Air Conditioning (HVAC)
At DatabaseUSA.com®, we work with many HVAC companies to provide them with high quality consumer lists including mailing lists and telemarketing lists. We understand that new leads are vital to the success of your business. We offer business lists with selections that include geographical location, years in business, square footage, and type of business. Choose from consumer lists with a variety of selections like people who’ve lived in their home 15 years+, home sale date, home value plus many more.
Types of Targeted Lists for Heating-Ventilating-Air Conditioning Businesses
Business Lists:
- Air Conditioning Equipment Repair
- Heating & Air Conditioning
- Real Estate Management
- Real Estate Investments
- General Contractors
Search by Business Lead Selection Criteria, including:
- Square Footage: Select different businesses based on the size of the building by using square footage ranges.
- Type of Business: You can select any type of business or combination of several titles for your list.
- Employee Size: Employee Size also determines the buying power of a business. Select your sales leads using employee size ranges.
- Sales Volume: Pinpoint your potential sales leads by selecting estimated sales volume.
Choose from hundreds of Consumer & Homeowner List criteria:
- Home Value: Target your audience with home value selections. The value of a prospect’s home is an excellent predictor of their ability to buy.
- Length of Residence: The longer someone has lived in a house, the more they will spend on remodeling, repair, maintenance, new furniture, lawn care, landscaping and much more. Also, length of residence is a good indicator of economic stability. Target those residence who have lived in their house for 15+ years and will be needing a new HVAC system.
- Home Sale Date
- PLUS – Many More!
Complete the form or call 877-831-0101 for more information on our HVAC Leads.
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+ No Contracts – No Credit Card Required
*Limit one per customer and file of 500 names
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