Generating Leads with Email Marketing

Generating Leads with Email Marketing

Leila DatabaseUSA Services

Generating Leads with Email Marketing

generate leads

Earn Engagement & Leads with Email Campaigns

Reaching out to a prospect via email can be tough. You could have the finest email, created to the highest standard, and it may not speak to your prospects in the way you imagined it would. Some of the most engaging emails a company can send, offer an educational experience or solution to a problem, rather than a coupon or promotional code.

Reach Your Target Market

Some marketers say to engage and learn about your prospect is to reach out and offer something of value to them. Offering educational digital content is a great way to trade for engagement with a new prospect. For example, offering a product sample for a 5 minute call with them, so you can find out more about their position, industry or company offers you an ‘in’ with your prospect. There are several ways to create an ongoing email marketing campaign to generate new leads in this fashion. Here are some of our favorites.

E-Book Courses — Offer a series of free e-books about your product, industry or your experiences within your industry. It doesn’t have to be a novel, but helpful information is a great way to introduce your product to a new prospect. Begin making an e-book course in a PDF format. Every few pages, start a new ‘chapter’. Write a little more each week and you can lengthen your stay inside a prospects inbox by creating a weekly series.

Whitepaper and Infographics — Whitepapers and infographics are a great way to help inform your audience to industry and marketing insights. They offer an in-depth report on a specific topic of interest. These insights can include data analysis, methodology and industry perspective in a problem solving write up.

Weekly Webinars — The idea of having several videos as a “course” or way to learn more information about a topic is always appealing. Use this idea to spread the message about industry tips, innovative ideas etc. and at the end of each video, promote your cause. Prompt people to sign up for additional webinars online and with each new email, promote the next free webinar in the series.

Product Samples — Utilize product samples as a way to attract leads. Product samples give the recipient a tangible item to touch, look at and create an opinion on. There is no better way to promote your product other than to have someone hold it in their hands. This gives the prospect perspective on the quality of your product and can also lend a hand to word of mouth marketing. Promote your free product samples via an email campaign and have the recipient fill out a form with their information to receive the sample.

Starter Kits — This is a set of multiple PDF’s which help prospects in their particular industry. A starter kit could include industry reports, FAQ sheets, planners, webinar links, check lists and other helpful information. This collection of helpful items can bring in a lot of genuine hot leads.® offers a total email marketing solution.

There are many ways to engage an email marketing audience in a meaningful way. Remember that an email campaign isn’t just one single email, but a long lasting connection between you and a potential email prospect, and customers. So thinking in the terms of a series or an ongoing email strategy is important. Learn more about® Email Marketing Solutions today.


Ready to generate more leads with an email marketing campaign? We can help! Contact at 877-831-0101.

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