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Don’t Waste A Cent, Segment.
Blog topics DatabaseUSA Services

Don’t Waste A Cent, Segment.

Customer segmentation allows you to target a specific audience and tailor your message. Optimize your marketing spend and segment your list. Dividing the Audience...
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Pro Email Marketing Tips
DatabaseUSA Services

Pro Email Marketing Tips

Following these few steps can ensure that the delivery of your email is successful. Ensure Deliverability Every day an average 269 billion emails are sent and received...
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Data Has An Expiration Date
DatabaseUSA Services

Data Has An Expiration Date

Individuals often change their address, phone number, job, job title, and more. Ensure your database is up-to-date. Is Your Data Obsolete? If your company manages...
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Increase Your Direct Mail Response Rates
DatabaseUSA Services

Increase Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Establish your direct mail campaign plan to remain effective and increase your direct mail response rates. Remain Effective with...
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Personalization Makes An Attractive Email
DatabaseUSA Services

Personalization Makes An Attractive Email

DatabaseUSA.com® knows how email marketing personalization helps you stand out in the email inbox crowd...
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Direct Mail Strategies for Success
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Direct Mail Strategies for Success

Current data shows more than 70 percent of recipients look forward to receiving their mail, and have purchased a product or service from a direct mail piece...
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What is Email Append
DatabaseUSA Q&A DatabaseUSA Services

What is Email Append

To keep your email database clean, you must remove bad or outdated data from your customer email files, email database or CRM. Email append or email appending is a...
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How Do I Keep My Data Clean?
DatabaseUSA Q&A DatabaseUSA Services

How Do I Keep My Data Clean?

To keep your data clean, you must remove bad or outdated data from your customer files, database or CRM. This can be done by working with...
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What is a Mailing List?
DatabaseUSA Q&A DatabaseUSA Services

What is a Mailing List?

A mailing list is a compiled list of people to whom you’ve sent or intend to send mail or promotional advertising to. Typically these lists are targeted to...
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Millennials on the Move
DatabaseUSA Services

Millennials on the Move

The millennial generation is now over 75 million people and they make up nearly 25% of the total U.S. population and 30 percent of the voting...
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The Novelty of Direct Mail
DatabaseUSA Services

The Novelty of Direct Mail

DatabaseUSA.com® delves into the benefits of Direct Mail, a novel approach to marketing in today’s bogged down digital world. The Benefits of Direct Mail...
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Email Marketing Tips for your Business
DatabaseUSA Services

Email Marketing Tips for your Business

With email filtering obstacles and federal regulations — email marketing your business can seem overly complicated. Avoiding email obstacles may be...
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Dust The Cobwebs Off Your Data
Blog topics DatabaseUSA Services

Dust The Cobwebs Off Your Data

Like your house, your data and customer database need ‘spring cleaning’ from time to time. Some of the biggest problems we run into when performing hygiene services...
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6 Questions to Ask Your Data Provider to Insure a Quality Business List
DatabaseUSA Services

6 Questions to Ask Your Data Provider to Insure a Quality Business List

1. How Much of Your Data Comes From a Single Source? Beware when a large number of these records come from...
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How to Keep your Sales Team Motivated
DatabaseUSA Services email marketing lists

How to Keep your Sales Team Motivated

One of the most important things to keeping a team motivated is to hire great people that will fit into the current culture. If that...
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DatabaseUSA Trade Show Schedule

DatabaseUSA Trade Show Schedule

Upcoming Trade Shows: DatabaseUSA will be attending several shows this season. Check out the shows we will be attending via our trade show list. Connect...
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Generating Leads with Email Marketing
DatabaseUSA Services

Generating Leads with Email Marketing

Reaching out to a prospect via email can be tough. You could have the finest email, created to the highest standard, and it may not speak to your prospects in the way...
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Millennials and Direct Mail Marketing
Direct Mail Marketing

Millennials and Direct Mail Marketing

As it turns out, Millennials love receiving mail. Not just birthday cards from grandma, but catalogs, coupons and even bills. Millennials and Direct Mail Marketing are key...
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Email Marketing: Responsive VS Non-Responsive Email Design
Email Marketing

Email Marketing: Responsive VS Non-Responsive Email Design

What is a responsive email? How does the design of an email affect the click through rates? Why does the look of an email change...
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Brand Loyalty Lies in Targeted Direct Mail Marketing
DatabaseUSA Services

Brand Loyalty Lies in Targeted Direct Mail Marketing

More businesses are realizing that direct mail marketing tactics have the potential to boost brand sentiment and strengthen customer relationships. “To build brand loyalty...
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